MADE EASY SCHOOL in the News/Media

Aapki Khabar Apka Fayda: बच्चों को मोबाइल से निकालकर खेल के मैदान में कैसे लाया जाए ?

Witness the thought-provoking panel interview by *Ms.Manjula Pothepalli, Principal ,MADE EASY SCHOOL, Gurugram* on a leading news channel, *Zee Business*🎙️on the 29th August, discussing the indispensable role of sports in building a student's character, teamwork, and discipline, setting the stage for lifelong success.🌟🏀
Catch the interview to get more insights about how investing in sports paves the way for brighter future.
>> Watch Now on Youtube

Brainfeed School Excellence Award 2022-23

We are proud to share yet another feather in our cap, after been selected in the Top 500 schools of India. We have received award for categories-- 'Best Academic Excellence School, Excellence in Sports Education, Excellence in Life Skill Education & Best Online Teaching Practices' by Brain Feed School Excellence awards 2022-23.

Eldrok India K-12 Awards 2021

MADE EASY SCHOOL is proud to win yet another Award - "Excellence in All-Round Child Development & Growth" by Eldrok India K-12 Awards 2021.

We thank entire management for providing us support in achieving such accolades and recognition at every step.

MADE EASY SCHOOL celebrates its first Annual Day with a spectacular Student Exhibition – ‘Kaleidoscope’ and Annual Function “Pravaah”

MADE EASY SCHOOL, Gurugram had twin celebrations to mark its First Annual Day. On 17th of December, the Student Exhibition – ‘Kaleidoscope’ was inaugurated by Shri Vinay Pratap Singh (IAS), the Deputy Commissioner of Gurugram. All the members of the staff, students and the management headed by Mr. B Singh, CMD MADE EASY GROUP, were there to welcome him.

6th National Conference & India School Merit Awards 2018

MADE EASY SCHOOL, Gurugram, Haryana, India

We are proud to share that MADE EASY SCHOOL has been recognized as the Best Upcoming Day-Cum-Boarding School at the 6th National Conference & India School Merit Awards 2018 by Education Today.

Proud moment for the entire MADE EASY fraternity for having received 3 awards in a row

Life Skills for Comprehensive Education

Published on 22nd November, 2018 in HT City Gurugram.

Made Easy School Organises Football Tournament, 300 Students Participated- The Public World

In pursuant to its commitment to broaden and en-lighten the concept of sports among children MADE EASY SCHOOL, Gurugram, hosted a football tournament in its campus which commenced on 8th October 2018 and culminated on 12th October 2018. It was a knockout tournament divided into three age groups (under 10, under 12, under 14) participated by more than three hundred students from all major schools of Gurugram like, Shalom Hills, DPS International, Presidium, Scottish High, Shalom Presidency, Ryan International, Noble High, DPSG Palam Vihar, Royal Oak International School, DPS 84, G.D Goenka, Suncity School etc.



In pursuant to its commitment to broaden and en-lighten the concept of sports among children MADE EASY SCHOOL, Gurugram, hosted a football tournament in its campus which commenced on 8th October 2018 and culminated on 12th October 2018. It was a knockout tournament divided into three age groups (under 10, under 12, under 14) participated by more than three hundred students from all major schools of Gurugram like, Shalom Hills, DPS International, Presidium, Scottish High, Shalom Presidency, Ryan International, Noble High, DPSG Palam Vihar, Royal Oak International School, DPS 84, G.D Goenka, Suncity School etc.


आपसी संपर्क का केंद्र बन गया खेल का मैदान - Voice Of freedom

गुरुग्राम (बंधवारी) के मेड ईज़ी स्कूल का 8 अक्टूबर 2018 से आरंभ फुटबाॅल टूर्नामेंट 12 अक्टूबर 2018 को समाप्त हो गया। स्कूल कैम्पस में आयोजित टूर्नामेंट का मकसद बच्चों में खेल भावना का विकास करना और उन्हें इसकी अहमियत का अनुभव देना है। तीन आयुवर्गों (अंडर 10, अंडर 12, अंडर 14) के नाॅक-आउट टूर्नामेंट में गुरुग्राम के सभी प्रमुख स्कूलों जैसे कि खेरदला सीनियर स्कूल, शौलोम हिल्स, डीपीएस इंटरनेशनल, प्रेज़ीडियम, एक्मे इंटरनेशनल, स्काॅटिश हाई, शैलोम प्रेज़िडेंसी, रायन इंटरनेशनल, नोबल हाई, डीपीएसजी पालम विहार, राॅयल ओक इंटरनेशनल स्कूल, अजंता पब्लिक, डीपीएस 84, जी डी गोयनका और सनसीटी की भागीदारी देखी गई।


Ranked as the 3rd most Innovative School in Gurugram

In the very first year of its inception MADE EASY SCHOOL has been ranked as the 3rd most Innovative school in Gurugram by the Times School Survey 2018. This recognition by one of the most prestigious media houses of the country falls in line with the school's core intent to not be limited by status quo, but rather adopt an innovative method of inquiry based learning that focuses on individual attention to cater to the unique needs of each child in the school. Our innovative approach to education is put into motion by competent teachers and backed up by years of constant honing and research. It is already showing results and is ready to set a benchmark in approach to education.



What Children need to truly learn? Hindustan Times covering MADE EASY SCHOOL.

Published on 22nd March, 2018 in Hindustan Times.



MADE EASY SCHOOL promotes Experiental Growth

Published on 15th February, 2018 in Hindustan Times

Gurugram: MADE EASY SCHOOL at sector 59, Gurugram, Haryana provides an integrated curriculum which promotes experiential growth. Though its innovative enquiry-based learning, MADE EASY SCHOOL addresses the gap between perceived learning and actual learning needs of children.


MADE EASY SCHOOL creating a Smart Learning Place

Published on 21st January, 2018 in Hindustan Times

Gurugram: MADE EASY SCHOOL at sector 59, Gurugram, Haryana hosts naturally lit, spacious, smart classrooms, an indoor sports complex for year-round sports activities, and many more such thoughtfully crafted amenities.


MADE EASY SCHOOL formally opens in Gurugram

Published on 16th December, 2017 in Curriculum

Gurugram: MADE EASY SCHOOL at sector 59, Gurugram, Haryana formally opened December 10, 2017, which was also the foundation day of Made Easy group.


News MADE EASY Group Inaugurates MADE EASY SCHOOL in Gurugram

Published on 12th December, 2017 in Education Technology

MADE EASY Group, India’s best institute for IES, GATE, PSUs, and IAS, inaugurated its formal Sr. Secondary School called MADE EASY SCHOOL at sector 59, Gurugram, Haryana on its 17th Foundation Day i.e. 10th December 2017.


MADE EASY SCHOOL Launches 'Each One, Plant One' Drive To Promote ‘Clean India, Green India’ Initiative

Published on 12th December, 2017 in BW Online Bureau

MADE EASY SCHOOL, launches 'Each one, Plant one' drive on its inauguration at sector 59, Gurugram, Haryana. The agenda is to step up efforts towards a greener environment and promote ‘Clean India, Green India’ initiative.



Published on 12th December, 2017 in Hindustan

Published on Veer Arjun

Published on Veer Arjun


Lok Sabha MP – Shri Manoj Tiwari inaugurates the Cricket ground of MADE EASY Cricket Academy(MECA)

Published on 13th November, 2017 in India Education Diary

Gurugram: MADE EASY SCHOOL inaugurated the cricket playground of the MADE EASY CRICKET ACADEMY (MECA) on 11th November, 2017 at the MADE EASY SCHOOL, near sector 58 & 59, Gurugram, Haryana. The event was graced by the esteemed presence of Shri Manoj Tiwari, Lok Sabha – MP, who was also the ‘Chief Guest’ of the occasion.


MADE EASY Cricket Academy cricket ground inaugurated

Published on 16th November, 2017 in Curriculum Magazine

BJP Delhi state unit president and Member of parliament, Manoj Tiwary on November 11 inaugurated a beautiful cricket field at the Made Easy Cricket Academy(MECA) Gurugram.


MADE EASY SCHOOL inaugurated the cricket playground of the MADE EASY CRICKET ACADEMY (MECA)

Published on Punjab Kesri

MADE EASY SCHOOL inaugurated the cricket playground of the MADE EASY CRICKET ACADEMY (MECA) on 11th November, 2017 at the MADE EASY SCHOOL, near sector 58 & 59, Gurugram, Haryana. The event was graced by the esteemed presence of Shri Manoj Tiwari, Lok Sabha - MP, who was also the 'Chief Guest' of the occasion.


Why Girls In India Are Missing Out On Education They Need?

Published on November 11, 2017 in Businessworld

The recent spate of initiatives by the government to promote the girl child in society has been praise worthy. The ‘BetiBachaoBetiPadhaoAndolan’ and the right to education act are measures that were aimed at women empowerment in the society but despite the legislation the girls still seem to be missing on education.


E-Learning Platforms allowing Students to Progress, Based on their Intellectual Capacities and the Levels of Comprehension

Published on September 4, 2017 in Education Technology

Nitu Channan, An alumnus of Punjab University, Chandigarh, is a silver medalist and an accomplished academician with almost two decades of experience in various academic and administrative assignments.
She believes today the role of a school is not only to impart knowledge that encompasses the prescribed syllabi of the institution but that of the world beyond the classroom, it should enable and equip children to lead a happy, productive life.


Digital Education System needs to evolve rather quickly to democratize quality education

Published October 16, 2017 in Curriculum Magazine

In the recent years, there has been an exponential growth in the use of computers in various facets of learning. This has not only become a must at most schools at the foundation levels of education, but at higher levels too where computer-based training to promote distance and off-hour learning has become a necessity.


How to make digital education more accessible

Published on October 26, 2017 in Deccan Herald

The rapid growth of the education sector in recent years and growing proliferation of digital technology have led to an era where e-learning is becoming a norm in almost all institutions.


Digitisation of education: Making teacher's life easier or complicated

Published on September 15, 2017 in India Today, New Delhi

The steady onset of the Digital India vision is having a profound effect on our lives. Today there are tools available to transform learning from an academic exercise to an engaging experience.


Teachers and technology: Will digital learning reduce dependence on human educators?

Published on September 16, 2017 in The Indian Express, New Delhi

In the recent years, there has been an exponential growth in the use of computers in various facets of learning. This has not only become a must at most schools at the foundation levels of education, but at higher levels too where computer-based training to promote distance and off-hour learning has become a necessity.

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